DayZ creator would like a PS4 version

, | Games


Dean “Rocket” Hall, creator of the popular zombie survival mod DayZ, told The Escapist that a console version is likely if the standalone game is a success.

“Certainly I think if we don’t, for want of a better word ‘fuck up,’ the PC release then I would say a console port is almost certain,” Hall revealed. “I know a lot of people get really hot and bothered about it. Like, I’m not a console gamer, I’m a PC gamer, but I don’t think it necessarily has to hurt things.”

But what consoles would be likely to see a DayZ title in the future? At the moment it seems like the PS4 may be the leading candidate. “It appears to be the kind of game that Sony are interested in, I think we just have to wait and see,” he continued. “We’ve talked and met with Sony, and they’re very – you know, they’re obviously interested.”
