Hot Sins of a Solar Empire space porn

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E3 loves screenshots. But is it really safe to trust screenshots from games you don’t know? So here are some screenshots from a game I do know. The Rebellion add-on for Sins of a Solar Empire, which will be out next week, is full of white-hot space porn.

But since you might be browsing from work, the above picture is an unassuming Vasari colony ship on its way to settle a planet somewhere past the blue sun of Quirari. This is nothing you won’t see in the basic Sins of a Solar Empire game. Everything after the jump is stuff unique to Rebellion and potentially NSFW. Depending on where you work.

After the jump, don’t let your boss see you looking at these pictures

Rebellion adds a new capital ship for each of the three factions, which are now six factions, since they’re each split into two separate subfactions. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. But enough about math. Here’s the new Vasari capital ship.

The Rakulas class battleship has forward firing pulse guns and side firing phase missiles. But what it mostly has is various flavors of nano swarms. You can focus on nano swarms with combat powers or support powers. So hot.

I posted a shot of the human Akkan battlecruiser yesterday to show off the game’s textures. Here’s a shot that gives it a bit more of a brooding quality.

The Akkan battlecruiser can settle planets, so I like to think that dome on top is where all the plants live, a la Silent Running. You have seen Silent Running, right? What kind of sci-fi illiterate would browse space porn pictures without having seen Silent Running?

The faction also get new non-capital ships in a class of their own. Corvettes are called corvettes because they don’t fight the way most ships in Rebellion fight: by lining up and trading fire. These guys weave around in combat like fighters and bombers. The Advent corvette is the butterfly shaped Vespa. Don’t look at me. I didn’t name it. Here is the Vespa.

A Vespa can leech mana from enemy ships and slow their rate of fire. Sexy. The new Advent capital ship is the Discord class, which uses psionic power to debuff enemy ships. Oh, so you think the ships in your fleet have four points of armor, do you? The manatee shaped Discord will convince you otherwise.

I could show you the new TEC (i.e. human) capital ship that can send out boarding parties to capture enemy ships. It’s technically called the Corsev class capital ship, but I call it the “What’s Yours Is Mine Now” class capital ship. However, it’s the most unsexy spaceship you will ever see. It looks like a palette that you stack crates on. It doesn’t get its picture in today’s space porn layout.

Okay, enough dawdling about. Let’s get to the money shots. Here’s the TEC’s Ragnarov class titan.

Do you know about titans? They’re Sins’ new counter to space stations. They’re basically stalemate breakers. You have to research four levels of increasingly advanced technology, and you have to build a giant honkin’ space construction yard, and you have to announce to the rest of the galaxy that you’re building a titan. And then you wait for it to get done. And then the other guy loses all his capital ships trying to fight it, before finally making crazy amounts of bombers to harry the giant thing to death after losing four epic battles.

Each subfaction gets its own titan. Here is one of the Vasari titans.

The Kultorask class titan traps enemy ships, dissolves them, eats their health and mana, and then passes it along to friendly ships. It’s as mean as it is ugly. And by ugly, I mean spaceporn hawt!

Rebellion is out on June 12.
