Meryl Streep wins Oscar and Scrabble

, | Games

Electronic Arts, the latest licensee of the official Scrabble name, is taking its duty seriously. They just issued a press release rating the acceptance speeches during the Academy Awards for their best Scrabble scores. And the winner is…

Inexplicably — Score:28 (Meryl Streep, Best Actress, “The Iron Lady”)
Indefatigable — Score:20 (Eugene Gearty, Sound Editing, “Hugo”)
Provocateurs — Score:17 (Christopher Plummer, Best Supporting Actor, “Beginners”)
Prosthetics — Score:17 (J. Roy Helland, Makeup, “The Iron Lady”)
Chameleon — Score:15 (Gore Verbinksi, Director “Rango”)
Financier — Score:14 (Michel Hazanavicius, Director, “The Artist”)
Resilience — Score:12 (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Documentary Short, “Saving Face”)
Virtuoso — Score:9 (Colin Firth’s introduction speech for Best Actress)

I can hear half of America going, “Oh no…oh, come on…why? Her. Again.” But, whatever.
