Gamespotting: Justin Bieber video

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A reader sent along pictures from Justin Bieber’s latest music video, in which he ravenously purchases Nintendo 3DSs. According to the reader:

All He Wants for Christmas – is Nintendo 3DS! In the newly debuted video for his holiday song, “All I Want for Christmas” Justin Bieber and his friends go on a holiday shopping spree and fill their carts up with this season’s must have gifts – including Nintendo 3DS!

The video also stars Mariah Carey, who demonstrates a complete lack of interest in videogaming. According to

The uniqueness of the All I Want For Christmas is You video has fans from both artist checking out the video. Shot in the middle of the night at the iconic Macy’s Department Store, both entertainers shared their parts with the song quite differently. Justin Bieber was seen singing in the middle of the store while Mariah Carey was dressed in a mini Santa skirt close to a decorated wall.

(Thanks Nintendo PR!)
