Daily Little Big Planet 2: someplace deep

, | Games

Getting a decent screenshot in today’s level, Eternal Abyss Platformer, was difficult. It’s a study in browns and dark textures, which is part of what I love about it, but also what makes it tough to capture in a picture. One of my favorite moments in the level, a timed jumping puzzle, ends up looking like a bunch of darkish rectangles. This is perfect for the sense I get from the level that my sackboy is working his way through the rotting wood of an old galleon, but not so good for making colorful post images.

I’m not really complaining. I like the design, in particular the sound design, and I’m never going to be able to capture that in a screenshot.

Sound design. I’m talking about sound design in a community level of a silly little puzzle platformer. It’s tough to convey how grateful I am for this fact. I can imagine, if I think about my experience in the story levels, how playing community levels might seem tedious to an aficionado of this genre. For folks with heretofore little more than a passing interest and scant experience, these levels serve as a welcome gateway drug.

Once again…grateful might seem a weird word choice. But there it is.
