Mark's Pick: Squad Leader
Note to Hasbro Interactive. When Gutenberg finally got his printing press working, he wisely decided to print a Bible. Perhaps even more wisely, he actually did print the Bible, the Christian one, the one that was so popular, and not some half-witted interpretation of the words of the Apostles from some wild-eyed Waldensian heretic. If he had gone the nutzo route, I think he would have at least chosen to not call his work “The Bible.” One can only look at this game and say, “Hasbro, you know not what you do,” and then promptly return it.

Tom's Pick: Deus Ex
"What?" you're asking in disbelief, "You picked Deus Ex?" Interestingly enough, this is my reaction to the sites that gave it Game of the Year awards. Yes, Deus Ex was, to me, the most disappointing game of 2000. The game's creator, Warren Spector, has had a hand in the creation of some of gaming's greatest games. So why, oh why, is Deus Ex the way it is? Why is the AI so brittle? Why is the story so unimaginative, convoluted, and cliche-riddled? Why is the lead character so flat? Why is the setting so hackneyed? Why is the engine so stiff? Why is ammo so scarce? Why the contrived puzzles and the plot driven by characters who give you four digit keypad codes? Why the crates and sewers and spiders and fake doors and key hunts? And why does everyone adore it so? That last was a rhetorical question, so don't bother emailing me with the answer. Believe me, I've heard it all -- the review I wrote led to my very first death threat as a game reviewer.

Best Game of 2000, Second Runner Up