Cont'd from Part Three

This confused scripted action isn't a good sign.  The first game had some strangely scripted missions where it wasn't always clear what was going on.  I've seen some other oddities, like Federation ships pitted against Federation ships for no discernable reason, mutliple ships with the exact same name, missions that never end, and an alarming number of crashes to desktop. 

I was also hoping SFC2 would provide some handy way to get more information during tactical combat -- I'd like to be able to tell which ships I can outrun or outmaneuver.  To do well, you have to know different ships' strengths and weaknesses, but some important info still isn't available. There is a handy appendix that gives the general attributes for each race's ship classes. You'll find this right after the Top 25 Things to Remember, which includes redundant platitudes like "#18: It is better to have lost a battle and learned from it, then [sic] to have won a battle and learned nothing" and "#23: Fight and lose (retreat from) a battle today, so you can learn and win a battle another day". Kobyashi Maru, here I come!

I'm looking forward to trying Dynaverse 2 when it's finally up and running, but in the meantime, I'm pretty disappointed with the single player campaigns. I have no interest in wading through them in their current state. The tactical game engine is still a superb combination of real time action with the elegance of Starfleet Command's board game roots, but this was a no-brainer after the first game. Starfleet Command II needs something more to give players an incentive to play and, more importantly, to care. Because right now I feel like I'm just playing the first game with a slightly more annoying campaign. Beam me out, Scotty.

Publisher: Interplay
Developer: Taldren
Genre: Strategy/RTS
Requirements: PIII/500 w/o accelerator, PII/350 w/accelerator, 64MB RAM, 550MB hard drive space
Expected street date: now

December 17, 2000