Looking for 2000-word game reviews that give a detailed explanation of the backstory, followed by a paragraph on graphics, a paragraph on shortcomings, and finally a disclaimer that "nevertheless, it's a fun game" or maybe the astute observation that "fans of the genre will like this game"? Then you're in the wrong place. 60 Second reviews are, well, you know...soul of wit and all that stuff.

60 Second Review of...

Max Payne

Of steam baths and literary awfulusia

60 Second Review of...

Shogun: The Warlord Edition

I think I'm turning Japanese again

60 Second Review of...

Eurofighter Typhoon

Making flight sims deader

60 Second Review of...

Orion Pirates

Starfleet Command gets wilder, woolier, and less interesting

Recent 60 Second Reviews

Max Payne

Of steam baths and literary awfulusia

Shogun: Warlord Edition

I think I'm turning Japanese again

Eurofighter Typhoon

Making flight sims deader

Orion Pirates

Starfleet Command 2: wilder, woolier, and less interesting

Divided Ground

Talonsoft's post-Tiller wargaming

World War II Online

Man's inhumanity to gamers

Emperor: Battle for Dune

Hash, hash, and rehash on Westwood's menu

Diablo II expansion

It absolutely will not stop, ever

TRIBES 2 (review v2.0)

This time, we brought a GeForce along

Legends of Might & Magic

Frickin' laser beams


Age of...whoa, hey, wait, umm, ack!

Serious Sam

Not to be taken too seriously

Fallout Tactics

Not quite ready to leave Vault 13


Much better than you may have heard

Fate of the Dragon

China set us up the bomb

Adventure Pinball

For those about to doink...


Just remember: "Kohan, be a fan!"


Falling out of the ugly tree, getting beat with the slow stick

Starships Unlimited

A stellar one man show

Europa Universalis

Board game elegant and computer game ambitious


The post-Trespasser Dreamworks

Corporate Machine

Beating swords into marketshares

Starfleet Command II

Overhaul mismanagement

No One Lives Forver

The spy game we loved

Virtual Pool 3

"Shoot pool, Fast Tommy"

Freedom: 1st Resistance

Resist! Resist!

Rising Sun Gold

And there's nothing new under the Rising Sun

Quake III Team Arena

A fool and his $30 are soon parted


It's no 800 pound gorilla

Call to Power 2

You don't play it — you endure it

Hitman: Codename 47

The "Groundhog Day" of computer gaming

Red Alert 2

So good we'd like to kiss Kane's bald head. Well, maybe not that good.

American McGee's Alice

As curious and as curious


A veritable messiah to computer games

Wizards & Warriors

D.W. Bradley's Wizardry series lives

KISS Psycho Circus

And the band played on...apparently in someone else's game

Midtown Madness 2

Urban auto angst

Combat Mission

The Allies liberate the wargame!

Crimson Skies

Air FASA wants you!

Soldier of Fortune

Wear a cup when playing this game


Making you all John Romero's bitches

Deus Ex

San Machina ad Nihilo


Highest ratio of capital to lower case letters of any game since TRIBES

Diablo 2

Abandon all sleep ye who enter here