Civ 3 scrolling fix for Nvidia boards

QuarterToThree Message Boards: News: Civ 3 scrolling fix for Nvidia boards
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jason McCullough on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 05:43 pm:

At least, this worked for me. Go backwards through the driver archive until you hit one that works. The 12.41 for 2k fixed the scrolling problems on my Geforce 3.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Al on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 06:55 pm:

What about running it in Win98 compatability mode? I heard that worked for some other problems.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jason_cross (Jason_cross) on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 11:29 pm:

Compat mode doesn't help.

Unfortunately, the driver rollback isn't a "good" solution for me (and maybe many others). If you're using XP, the performance of the 21xx series drivers is WAY better, and there are compatibility issues as GDI visual glitches with earlier drivers - on some systems more than others.

I wonder if, now that they've found the problem, the fix is going to come from NVIDIA or Firaxis?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By BobM on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

XP and the newest drivers are causing problems with other games too. I suspect the solution may come from Nivida.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jason_cross (Jason_cross) on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 12:10 am:

Got any specific games that have problems with the 21xx series drivers? I'd like to confirm and put a bug in NVIDIA's ear about it. They passed WHQL certification, but that don't mean what it used to. I don't think they even freaking TRY games.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By BobM on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 02:38 pm:

Dark Age of Camelot, check out

The link for the XP 21xx problems are at the top of the page. I believe I've seen at least one other game too but I can't think of it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Anonymous on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 03:33 pm:

I downloaded a copy of the non-WHQL 22.50 drivers and the scrolling appears to be better.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Saturday, November 3, 2001 - 12:14 am:

Hmm, I installed the 22.50 and everything is identical-- slow scrolling, slow status screens, generally .. sluggish.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Paul G on Saturday, November 3, 2001 - 11:16 am:

I am just finishing up a hardware/XP upgrade right now so I have not even opened up my Civ 3 yet; discouraged to see the GF3 problems with this game.

Just a guess here, but "Arcanum" had terrible 2D scrolling performance on GF3 cards when first released because they were screwing up the caching on 64 meg+ vid cards.

Troika fixed it pretty quickly with a patch, so maybe Firaxis can fix the 2D performance even if it is not the same exact problem.

For now I have already had a bad mobo buzzkill the Civ 3 release, so I might just return my copy until this issue gets resolved.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Doug Jones on Saturday, November 3, 2001 - 10:18 pm:

I just bought CivIII today somehow I tore myself away from it for a little bit. Regardless I'm experiancing the same problems. The thing is I"m on a pentium 2 32 megs of ram with an outdated video card. So hek the game was practicly made for me. I hope they patch this and soon.

p.s. Funny thing is I'm way below the minimum reqs for DAOC witch I just bought today as well and it runs fine.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Anonymous on Monday, December 3, 2001 - 02:16 pm:

Download the brand new Det drivers from Nvidia (23.11), the scrolling in Civ3 and GeForce boards is a lot faster now.

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