Drengin.net - will it work?

QuarterToThree Message Boards: News: Drengin.net - will it work?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - 11:39 am:

"Stardock believes that there is a market for original games still. Just that there isn�t enough of a market to justify the vast expense of putting such games into retail. Unfortunately, stand alone non-retail games (like shareware) don�t tend to sell enough in quantity to justify the expense of creating a high quality game. But what if one were to create a network in which all sorts of original types of games were to be created, released on their own but also available on an constantly improving PowerGaming suite that was subscription based at a rate less than a subscription to Everquest? That is the basis of Drengin.net."

What do you think? Will this fly?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Jones on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:20 am:

I really like this topic, and I'm surprised no one has responded yet. I've been pondering a Drengin.net subscription myself, as I already have subscribed to Brad's excellent Object Desktop Network. Judging from OD, I'd say Drengin.net has a shot at working, for the simple reason that Stardock puts out quality products. (Entrepeneur is probably the only game for which I've never seen a single negative post in usenet)

The key of course is ... will the games interest people enough to support the network. I absolutely love games crafted by independent developers who are devoted to their work. I am a big supporter of many shareware products, Lord knows I've invested my share of cash into this industry.

I love games that are fun to play. I don't need cutscenes (esp CARTOONS ;), famous actors, or whizbang graphics. Sure, there are some big market games that I really love, but I definitely have a special place in my wallet for independent developers who create their games because they love what they are doing.

I really hope Drengin.net succeeds. I'm just really close to wishing mainstream PC gaming (i.e. big house developers) would either fail, or just go make console games. There are too many unfinished pieces of crap being released. I'm sick of 16 page manuals, and $16 "Strategy Guides". PC gaming needs to return to it's roots, when games were written for gamers, and not for stockholders. Give me good A.I. over Hollywood cutscenes any day!

Good luck Brad. In fact, what the hell .. I'm headed over to Drengin.net to sign up :)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 11:54 am:

"PC gaming needs to return to it's roots, when games were written for gamers, and not for stockholders. Give me good A.I. over Hollywood cutscenes any day!"

Heh -- yeah, but you can't do the big budget games in a garage anymore. You'd never be able to do a Sacrifice and make your money back from a deal like Drengin.

In other words, I want both an outlet for the garage games and one for the million-dollar budget games.

My big hope is that we'll see more good engines being licensed. We're getting three games from the NetImmerse engine (Battle Isle, Freedom Force, and Dreamland) and not one of them is a shooter. That's encouraging.

The Jet engine that Auran is working on will also be free to tinker with. I think they want $30,000 if you make a commercial product with it, but you can always make your product and give it away. If it's good enough, you could land a publishing deal that would front the 30k.

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