YES! - Operation Flashpoint Add-on Announced

QuarterToThree Message Boards: News: YES! - Operation Flashpoint Add-on Announced
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:11 pm:

Operation Flashpoint Add-on Announced

Operation Flashpoint�s Cold War crisis is about to be turned on its head. Players of Codemasters� military simulator will soon be given the chance to fight on the side of the Soviet force, the enemy in the original campaign. This new perspective will be revealed when Codemasters launches Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer in the UK and online this December. The add-on will require the original Operation Flashpoint.

The Red Hammer expansion will deliver a new campaign with 20 new missions, a new lead character, new Russian accent voices, and fresh cut scenes. Red Hammer sees the player back on the islands, only this time as Dmitri Lukin of the Soviet force. Dmitri is a highly trained professional killer who has suffered demotion in recent times. More ruthless and menacing than the raw American recruits who populated the original game, Dmitri starts as a grunt as the invasion of Everon Island begins.

Loyal to the cause and to Mother Russia, his early missions have him escorting General Guba�s aide and fighting his way out when ambushed by Resistance forces. During the subsequent invasion of Malden Island, Dmitri finds himself cut off and behind enemy lines. Charged with rebuilding his unit, scavenging equipment, and harrying entrenched U.S. forces, players must ensure Dmitri�s safe return to Everon by employing successful guerrilla tactics and helicopter-stealing escapes.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:31 pm:

Sorry - here's the full press release :


Better red than dead? Find out in
Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer � The Soviet Campaign, Codemasters'
mission disc for the number one military simulator.

September 25th 2001 � Operation Flashpoint's Cold War crisis is about
to be turned on its head. Players of Codemasters' award-winning
military simulator will soon be given the chance to join the
revolution and fight on the side of the Soviet force, the enemy in
the original campaign.

This new perspective on the chart topping PC game's campaign will be
revealed when Codemasters launches Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer �
The Soviet Campaign for �9.99 this December. This incredible add-on
pack requires the original Operation Flashpoint game and provides a
battalion of new missions.

With over a half-a-million copies of the original game sold in just
under three months, Codemasters is expecting massive interest in
Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer.

Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer delivers a completely new campaign
with 20 new missions, a new lead character, new Russian-accent voices
and fresh cut scenes that unravel the single-player narrative.

Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer sees the player back on the islands,
only this time as Dimitri Lukin of the Soviet force. Dimitri is a
tough Soviet career soldier � a highly trained professional killer
but one who has suffered demotion in recent times. More ruthless and
menacing than the raw American recruits, who populated the original
game, Dimitri starts as a grunt as the invasion of Everon Island

Loyal to the cause and to Mother Russia, his early missions have him
escorting General Guba's aide Angelina and fighting his way out when
ambushed by Resistance forces. During the subsequent invasion of
Malden Island, Dimitri finds himself cut off, behind enemy lines.
Charged with rebuilding his unit, scavenging equipment, and harrying
the entrenched US forces, players must ensure Dimitri's safe return
to Everon. The player has to employ successful guerrilla tactics and
spectacular helicopter-stealing escapes for Dimitri to gain further
promotion, but as the campaign continues, a personal war for Dimitri
is just beginning�

At just �9.99, Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer will be available to
all owners of Operation Flashpoint to order as a boxed product or
download from Codemasters web site ( in

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:44 pm:

Hmmm this is interesting :


With over a half-a-million copies of the original game sold in just under three months, Codemasters is expecting massive interest in
Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer.

500,000 copies sold - pretty good.
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 09:45 pm:

That's better than pretty good, that's really fucking good!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Tim Elhajj on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 11:23 pm:

Yeah, no shit that's good. They weren't out in North America in less then 3 months, so those numbers may be for just the initial release in the EU. ...if that's true, I'm very impressed.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 11:50 pm:

Well, it could be some kind of fantasy conjecture, like the Sony PS2 sales figures.

"Uh, yeah, we've sold, like, 5 million consoles, man. Worldwide."

My ass.

Just ignore the man behind the curtain-- eg, the crappy PS2 software sales numbers. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 06:50 am:

Now all BI has to do is get some type of SDK out to these modmakers... we really need a facelift from some of these mods that are being developed. It will make OFP get to the next level.

And Im curious as to what BI's plans are after this addon... a true sequel? a new game? another add on? i think they should get to work on a sequel with most of the focus on multiplayer. Thats the next logical step for OFP. Personally i dont care much for an mp OFP but i think its in the best interest for keeping the game viable with all the other fps games in competition (RS, DF, SWAT).

But its going to be hard... since i really dont consider OFP a true fps, id consider it more a sqaud based game with simulator type graphics. It plays so good as a solo game that i could care less for a mp game. Though coop mp is the best in OFP when you get like minded people playing (on a lan).


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 06:58 am:

It is surprising how well OFP did in Europe on word of mouth alone. In fact on the UK release date in late June it beat out the Diablo 2 expansion... thats how big it was in Europe and this without much advertisement.

"Well, it could be some kind of fantasy conjecture, like the Sony PS2 sales figures.

Its possible the numbers are inflated... but its obvious the games a hit in Europe. I wouldnt be surprised if those numbers were true as well. But then again, ad folks will want to make it as big as they can get it... if it was at 600k sales, they would have said, "close to a million seller" or something like that....


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 05:04 pm:

For the right game title the European market is bigger than many think. Germany especially is a huge market.

Think Diablo/Starcraft and the Koreans.

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