Three by 2By3 Games and Matrix announce new games

QuarterToThree Message Boards: News: Three by 2By3 Games and Matrix announce new games
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 11:51 am:

Those wargame developers are busy. Barking like an angry terrier at the heels of the annoucement of the formation of 2By3 Games comes the announcement that we're getting 3 games from 2By3 Games and Matrix, their chosen publisher. From the press release:

"Matrix Games and 2BY3 Games today announce they will team up to bring three new computer wargames to market during the next three years. 2By3 Games, featuring the designs of award-winning game designer/programmers Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors, will develop three games to be published by Matrix Games. The first game, Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific will feature the New Guinea and Solomons air, sea and land campaign that proved to be the turning point in the war against Japan. The second game, War in the Pacific: Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945, will feature the entire war against Japan from Pearl Harbor to Japan�s surrender. The third game will feature the struggle in the Mediterranean during the first half of WWII.

"All three games will feature the historical detail and accuracy that Grigsby designs have been known for during his career that spans nearly twenty years. 2BY3 Games will also be assisted in the development of the three titles by Matrix Games programmers and artists. Several of these have worked on earlier Matrix Games revisions and updates of Grigsby games, most notably Steel Panthers: World at War."

Atten-hut! A new War in the Pacific from Grigsby? Unlike MacArthur, we shall not return that one! What do you think? Post here.

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