Requiem for a Dream

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Movies: Requiem for a Dream
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By timelhajj on Thursday, August 9, 2001 - 01:48 am:

Jeff's post reminded me that I just saw Requiem myself not too long ago, but I never mentioned it. I�m creating a new thread because the other just seemed too targeted. Pardon me for putting my thoughts over here.

I had mixed feelings through the first half of the move, but slowly found myself drawn into it. When it was over, I wasn't blown away, like with Memento, but I wasn�t turned off either. It�s hard to describe. As days passed, I kept thinking about it and it really grew on me. I like drug movies a lot, but this isn�t your ordinary drug movie.

What I liked about Requiem is how effortlessly it introduces twists on old conventions (the addict son lecturing his mother on using illicit drugs--priceless!). Also, the way that it�s told has a sort of fable-like quality, how things go from summer wonderful to winter dreadful, with no in-between for anyone. I never found my suspension of disbelief in danger, because I never thought it was meant to be completely literal. The fancy camera work with the drugs helped create this effect, but I agree that it got a little tiring toward the end.

The mother's story was extremely compelling for me, too. It�s what really sets the movie apart from the rest of the drug movies, IMO, and what kept drawing me back into the movie days after I saw it. That said, the TV show stuff completely got on my nerves. I have Christian relatives that turn on the 700 club when I visit and just fucking leave it on for no discernable reason than to get on my nerves. The TV stuff affected me the same way that does. But that was perhaps the point? How grating.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Kevin on Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 06:16 pm:

I gotta agree with you on the TV show stuff, that really did get on my nerves. But I also feel that that was the point.

I really liked the movie though, not on an entertaining level, but the movie isn't supposed to be entertaining.

A also am looking forward to see what Darren Aronofsky does next. His last two movies ("Pi" and "Requiem") have really shown off what he is capable of, and now I want to see what he does next (rumour is that he could be directing the next Batman movie and that he is currently working on a script).

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