I dream of ER

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: I dream of ER
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jim Hoffman on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 04:45 pm:

Last night I dreamt that Carrie Weaver finally found her mother, and found out she was the half sister of Carol Hathaway (who's not even on the show anymore).
In the dream Carrie, lesbian that she is, had a previous attraction to Carol, and was uncomfortable when Carol gave her a sisterly peck on the cheek.
I've been ribbing my wife that ER has turned into a doctor's Melrose Place, and I guess my subconscious agrees.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 07:01 pm:

I can't believe ER is still running. Good lord. I remember reading the Win95 pre-release architecture books while watching that show.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Brad Grenz on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 07:02 pm:

Pretty lame for a dream about lesbians.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jim Hoffman on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 02:00 pm:

Tell me about it! Well, technically, it's just one lesbian. The other one's married to George Clooney's character.
And my wife still loves the show. It's one of 3 hours of TV I watch all week. *sigh*

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jim Hoffman on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 02:01 pm:

The things we do for love.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Anders on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 03:45 pm:

That's just weird.. all the well-adjusted folk (that would be me) has had at least two episodic dreams of Xena: Warrior Princess.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jim Hoffman on Thursday, November 1, 2001 - 06:05 pm:

I've only watched 1 episode of Xena. Don't know much about it. Seemed like Xena and her sidekick were in love with each other when I watched it. Hmmm, Maybe I was missing something.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Michael Murphy (Murph) on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 12:13 am:

Heh. There's a lot of speculation about that. It never REALLY plays out in the show, or real life, or anywhere but our sick little minds.

Though, Xena's sidekick IS pretty hot...

Not that I watch the show often or anything...Used to, though.

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