OFP mania at my work

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: OFP mania at my work
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Thursday, July 12, 2001 - 08:36 pm:

People are really getting hooked on OFP here at my workplace. In the past week no less than five people in my division went out and actually bought Flashpoint after seeing the Lifeless and Official movie clips of the game.

It's really catching on. Hehe

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Rob on Thursday, July 12, 2001 - 11:22 pm:

I can't wait to get my copy. Compuexpert lost my order believe it or not (no charge, and they told me to re-order), and I'm going away for 3 weeks, but as soon as I'm back I'm going to reorder. The only game I'm more interested in right now is Medal of Honor (just watched the intense preview movie).

Perhaps I should have just told Compuexpert to microcharge my credit card 50,000 times and ship it ASAP!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 04:39 am:


The games # 1 in the UK topping over Diablo 2, The Sims and Dune.

And after trying out the editor the past few days, I'm CERTAIN we will see a lot of mods come out for this game. Its very open and has a good open obect c++ feel to it. The nuts and bolts of it could use some work, damage modeling, flgiht modeling, joystick support, more units, dedicated multiplayer servers....but overall its a game thats catching on. People warezing the game are even buying it !

What i like about this game is that it will open up a new type of game that people seem to be interested in... an open ended action/sim thats not too much action and not too much detailed sim, but a whole general view of combat that takes aspects of both. plus, there are some aspects of the game that play as well as the sneaker Deus Ex/SS2/Thief games. Astounding! Excelsior! i might as well say this is the BEST GAME EVER!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Rob on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 10:21 am:

Fricken fracken Compuexpert. I could have been playing all week.

For those who are playing, I played a few of the demo missions, and the only thing that concerned me was that the colors seemed a little washed out. Maybe thats a factor related to the terrain, sort of tundra-esque looking, but I was hoping they suped that up a little in the final release (crisp blue skys, etc.). Does it look a little better?

My favorite moments so far have been flying in to a LZ on a chopper sitting next to all the guys, and looking out the window seeing T72s moving around below us. Deep breath moment.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Rob on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 11:36 am:

Also, I have a question about multiplayer. I realize it isn't really functional yet, and won't be until the US release, but the current owners might be able to clear this up. In mp will you be able to command a squad of AI soldiers? Say you have 8 players vs 8 players, and all 16 command a squad of AI guys. That means you have two platoons battling it out. Or have a few players run squads of inf, and a couple have tank squads. Thats a lot of action! It would be sort of like WW2OL in an enclose battle, except 90% of the combatants would be AI controlled, which if you have played WW2OL means at least 90% of the combatants would know what they were doing.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 10:06 pm:


There are three islands in the game with differing types of landscape. I personally don't mind the colour schemes used.

There is also a fourth small desert island that is used for quickloading behind the first menu screen.

As for multiplay I have not even touched that yet. I have been too busy with single play. :)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Saturday, July 14, 2001 - 01:33 am:

I've tried a few multi... on 56k. Its playable with 4 players for me when everyone is under 300 ping. Otherwise its still very laggy. As of now I cant imagine having 16 players EACH have a squad to command. The lag would be tremendous i would thing. I think its doable.. but the code probably has to be streamlined for it. I mean its basically sending info like an rts game though instead of a 2vs2 you have a 8vs8! If BI can make the game playable with the amount of players of Tribes, OFP WILL take off... but if its limited to 8 or less online... it will be tough to get games going with base vs base or online team matches. As it is... its pretty cool to take a jeep to the enemies base, get out of the jeep, take there flag...get in a m113, with a coplayer as gunner, fight all the way back to base, and get points for the flag! and that was just with 4 players! anyway, if the game allows more than 16 players online, with okay gameplay for a 56 k (a stretch of the imagination) I'd be VERY happy. as it is, the solo game is more than enough. tons of missions already on the net, and it isnt too hard to setup a mission similar to setting up a battle in Combat Mission. also, i would suppose lan gaming is MUCH more forgiving. lots of people say coop on a LAN is great.

btw, the officer on the team (who ever is made officer before an online match) is in command of the ai soldiers in an online game. someone would have to make a map that has essentially 8 spots open for officers in each squad (sqauds have up to 12 players including officer) with blank spots for ai or other players to have 8 ai controlling players. uhm, its possible... but highly unlikely with the OFP netcode as it is now. but i think its doable.

"and the only thing that concerned me was that the colors seemed a little washed out. "

also, the terrain textures change depending on time of year, time of day and weather. Malden (the demo map) looks much nicer in the full version when its around May at dusk, yeah the terrain looks much better... but it all depends on the above. for instance, if the weather and time of year is arid, malden will look much like in the demo. Think Asherons Call terrain with better looking character models and modern military... flying the A-10 over Everon looks very good on a warm spring day! all of this is at the price of cpu power though.


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