Forget Team Fortress 2; play the Operation Flashpoint!

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: Forget Team Fortress 2; play the Operation Flashpoint!
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Saturday, May 19, 2001 - 11:13 pm:

This game is it! After upgrading my pc I've been playing this game nonstop (the demo)... theres a few extra user made missions for the demo map (which is huge)... and some of the missions are more fun than any of the missions in Delta Force Land Warrior OR R6. This is going to be my pick for surprise game of the year!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Geo on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 05:05 pm:

Anyone know if the U.S. version of Flashpoint will be compatible with the European versions?

CompuExpert's selling the export version (presumably the U.K. version, as they did with Blue Byte's Battle Isle 4), and I'm curious about the compatibility.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 06:26 pm:

Apparently once the US version is released BI will release a free upgrade patch that will bring the Euro release to the same level as the US version.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 01:12 am:

I just got confirmation from Compuexpert for my order being delievered ... hot damn this game is gonna be good. I've been following this game ever since playing the demo from the latest CGS+ mag. It really is a great game.

Word of note though, the game is demanding... its cpu demands are more than any game i've played recently (though the full game is supposedly a little better than the demo). Sorta like the issues with F-18... it does use a sorta flight sim engine.

Also, the game really needs to be played with patience and tactics... its basically a very open ended squad based warfare sim, one of a kind imo.


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