New Justice League series coming

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: New Justice League series coming
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Supertanker on Thursday, March 1, 2001 - 10:03 pm:

Saw this in a trade publication recently. Cartoon Network has ordered four new series, one of which is a new Justice League. I haven't seen any more about it, but hopefully it will be in the vein of The New Batman/Superman Adventures. The Flash was always one of my favorites, but hopefully they won't make him a smartass like they did in his guest appearance on NBSA.

Let's see if this link still works.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Thursday, March 1, 2001 - 11:43 pm:

Wow -- the JLA series is an hour long. That could be pretty neat.

When I was a kid some of my favorite comics were the JLA, Avengers, and the Legionaires. I still remember that Legionaire issue where Ferro Lad was killed. It was one of the few deaths in the comics.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Han on Friday, March 2, 2001 - 01:33 pm:

I'd better even happier if they just spinoff a superhero series from Dexter featuring the "Justice Friends" and "Monkey". The satire in those mini-episodes is brilliant.

Anybody ever notice in the old "Superfriends vs. The Legion of Doom", The Flash saved their super-asses about 90% of those episodes? It's always, "Everyone is frozen in some sort of stasis field. I'll use my super vibration powers to escape and go back in time to stop Cheetah and the Scarecrow!"

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtKafka (Mtkafka) on Saturday, March 3, 2001 - 03:52 am:

I likes Spiderman and His Amazing Friends. . . i liked the fire and ice. . . neato.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Thierry Nguyen on Saturday, March 3, 2001 - 06:45 pm:

Marvel and DC recently announced that, after years of no progress and weird company crap, that there will finally be JLA/Avengers.

Four big issues (48 pages each), alternate release by the two companies (I dunno who gets the odds or evens so far).

I've always been more of a JLA person, but it'd be nice to see how two iconic teams of the respective universes interact with each other. It won't be out until next year, as the writer (Kurt Busiek) basically said, "George Perez will have to be drawing 200 pages. Give him some time."


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Saturday, March 3, 2001 - 07:41 pm:

JLA and Avengers, eh? Sounds cool. I always liked those JLA/JSA stories where the two groups got together.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bub (Bub) on Saturday, March 3, 2001 - 10:06 pm:

Actually Mark...
by far the key words to get excited about in Thierry's post are "Kurt Busiek and George Perez"

I'd given up on Superhero Comics (aside from Astro City - read it!) but I might come back for that team up.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Sunday, March 4, 2001 - 02:04 am:

Well, I don't know writers and artists in the comics anymore. It's been years since I've been a regular reader -- actually, it's close to decades now, though the plural isn't quite accurate yet.

The comics just got too expensive and there were too many. It was confusing to try to follow them. So I dropped 'em.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bub (Bub) on Sunday, March 4, 2001 - 10:17 am:

Like games, comic creators are paramount. Far more than characters (sadly, comics are still primarily character driven... much like soap operas).

George Perez is famous for handling multiple characters. I think he's most famous for his work on DC's mid-80's Crisis on Infinite Earths story.

Busiek is a rarity these days. He has the enthusiasm to handle a corny classic style superhero yarn. Idealistic, vivid and ... sweet. Yet he's also able to make his stories realistic and "true" sounding. His work makes you remember the old Stan Lee stuff, while avoiding the juvenility (if "juvenility" is even a word).

I recommend you pick up the trade paperback of "Astro City" Mark. I think you'll absolutely love it. "Marvels" is also a good start with Busiek.

Heh. They'll REALLY get you in the mood for Freedom Force.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Sunday, March 4, 2001 - 02:06 pm:

Yeah, I like the comics still. The graphic novels are something that would appeal to me more just because it seems like you get a little more bang for you buck. The comic books cost $3 now and they're about 10 minutes of reading. Just not worth it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bernie Dy on Monday, March 5, 2001 - 09:44 am:

George Perez is famous for handling multiple characters. I think he's most famous for his work on DC's mid-80's Crisis on Infinite Earths

Remember the Titans!

Man, I love George Perez...I was a big Teen Titans fan in the 80's. He and Marv Wolfman created some real magic there...the Titans were the one big hit title the "new DC" had at the time to combat all those X titles from Marvel.

I loved comics too, but I had to quit because I was running out of closet space (like Mark, I'll pick up a graphic novel collection every so often - I really want that hardcover collection of Marvels). I think some enterprising guy should put out CD-ROM collections of comics, just as Dragon magazine and MAD magazine did. I'd buy an X-Men, Teen Titans, The Nam, or new JLA disc in a heartbeat.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Monday, March 5, 2001 - 11:30 am:

"I think some enterprising guy should put out CD-ROM collections of comics, just as Dragon magazine and MAD magazine did. I'd buy an X-Men, Teen Titans, The Nam, or new JLA disc in a heartbeat."

Man, that would be cool. What a great thing for laptops, too.

I wonder why they don't do this? They certainly don't make much money from reprinting old comics, since they hardly do it. It wouldn't deter collecting -- having a print copy would still be the superior reading experience.

I would really love it if they would put a lot of obscure comics on CD. I used to love those dopey sci-fi comics that were new stories with new characters every issue.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bernie Dy on Monday, March 5, 2001 - 01:03 pm:

I would really love it if they would put a lot of obscure comics on CD. I used to love those dopey sci-fi comics that were new stories with new characters every issue

The anthology books? I read those too...Alien Tales, Savage Tales, etc. The artists on those books really liked drawing buxom girls.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Monday, March 5, 2001 - 01:15 pm:

"The anthology books? I read those too...Alien Tales, Savage Tales, etc. The artists on those books really liked drawing buxom girls."

Heh. Yeah, I liked those stories. They were usually dopey, but they appealed to my love of unassuming sci-fi.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By kazz on Sunday, March 11, 2001 - 04:34 pm:

George Perez is the guy what got me reading comic books in the first place. He and Jim Shooter (in his writer days, along with Joe Sinnot (I think) on inks, made a really great run on the Avengers in the late 70's and early 80's.

Nowadays, George is making female wrestling videos, if you can believe it. The wrestlers dress up like superheroines, and I think there is supposed to be some kind of back-story, but I wouldn't bet on any real work for that side of the production. I think it was called Doubletrouble Productions or some such. I'm not sure if it's web-based, or video based, but you can search if it's the kind of thing that floats your boat.

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