Feed's Special Video Game Issue

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: Feed's Special Video Game Issue
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By John Tracey on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 01:31 pm:

Feed's new Video Game issue is dedicated to the world of mods and add-ons. There's a pretty interesting introduction, which I excerpt here:

"All of which is why, in this special issue, FEED takes a closer look at mods and the fast-growing mod community. In this issue's main feature, we asked a group of writers and game-players to compose tributes to their favorite mods: Carl Steadman talks about his favorite Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament mods, both radical re-imaginings that transform the games from a 3-D to a 2-D experience. Justin Hall talks about the most successful mod in game history, the online-only experience called Counter-Strike. Wagner James Au checks in on the still unfolding and constantly expanding story of Garrett, star of Looking Glass Studio creations Thief and Thief II, and the upcoming Ion Storm-built Thief III. Steven Johnson looks at the notorious Guinea Pig mod for The Sims. Francis Hwang gives a rundown on the shadowy world of cheats and hacks. A little later in the week, on Thursday, Steven Johnson presents a new "Interface" column that talks about the much-hyped new game Oni, and includes an exclusive interview with Oni's lead designer. And finally, on Friday, we have an interview with Ion Storm's star game designer Warren Spector, who talks to us about mods, narrative, and eagerly awaited sequels Thief III and Deus Ex 2."

Click here to go to the issue.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By John Tracey on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 01:33 pm:

Sorry, bad link. Try this instead.

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