XCom meets Cthulhu

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: XCom meets Cthulhu
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Chris Floyd on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 12:14 pm:

I don't know if anyone here is familiar with "Delta Green" -- a modern-day setting for the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG published by a company called Pagan Publishing. Well, the founder of Pagan recently mentioned this:

Speaking of which, yes, we've made a deal for a Delta Green computer game and work is underway. The project is going to take about a year and a half, so be patient. I believe we'll have stuff to show off at the E3 computer-gaming expo in Las Vegas in the spring. It's an X-Com style game, with both strategic and real-time tactical-combat modes. More than that I cannot say, but we'll get the word out when the time comes. I'm having a blast so far.

More info on Delta Green:


Who knows who the developer is (and thus what their chances of actually finishing the game are), but I figured any announcement of an XCom-like game would go over well around here. And Delta Green is a fantastic license to use for such a game. More power to em!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bub (Bub) on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 12:40 pm:

Well, these guys not only know their stuff... and they defintely know what great gaming feels like. They could use something as simple as the original X-Com engine and make something very effective I think.

Thanks Chris, definitely something to watch for. I wish it was an RPG though, personally.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Robert Mayer on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 01:23 pm:

Um, "real-time tactical-combat modes." Doesn't sound like X-Com to me . Sounds like at best the real-time mode from Fallout Tactics (which actually worked pretty good 85% of the time), or at worst some icky RTS knock-off. Let's hope the former.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Brian Rucker on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 01:47 pm:

Let's hope it's not Abomination. That's about as RTS Cthulhu meets X-Com as I've seen recently. Actually, that wasn't such a horrible game once you got used to the controls and over the hopes for an updated X-Com sequel. It had some good ideas about mission variety and randomized maps.

I have the Delta Green supplement because it really has some of the most comprehensive information on intelligence groups I've seen anywhere. It's a good generic resource for all RPGs, Cthulhu aside. Together with GURPs Espionage you've got enough material for a few campaigns.

If this is as good as it sounds it could be the real X-Com successor.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Desslock on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 02:15 pm:

>Well, these guys not only know their stuff...

...except they'll find Las Vegas pretty empty at E3 time.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bub (Bub) on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 02:36 pm:

Hehe, I didn't even catch that gaffe Stefan.

But the "stuff" I meant was Cthulhu and game supplement making, obviously. Tynes was also a pretty big part of that whole Magic The Gathering thing.

Anyway, I typically stop by Pagan's Gen Con booth every year anyway. Provided they remember where Gen Con is (still Milwaukee), I'll have something new to look at.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Lizardo on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 02:40 pm:

The fan fiction on the Delta Green site is pretty fun to read too. Very cool concept.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Robert Mayer on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 03:50 pm:

And Flying Lab Software is doing the game. Rails Across America folks. Good pedigree.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Chris Floyd on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 03:56 pm:

Flying Lab, huh? How'd you find that out? Makes sense, as both studios are in Seattle. That gives a good idea of what the game will be like. Or, it would, at least, if I'd played Rails Across America. Heard good things, though, and they're definitely more interested in strategic depth over flash, huh?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By SiNNER 3001 on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 04:26 pm:

What I want to play is a real-time strategy game of "Dawn of the Dead," where you have to make tactical raids on the mall, seal the exits, and secure the mall against eventual raids by biker gangs and more zombies. If the game were to be really true to its source, it would have to have a really depressing ending.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bub (Bub) on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 05:03 pm:

Look for an old copy of Flesh Feast.
Not that FF was a good game, but it was similar to what you're describing. In an action game sort of way. The whole thing was depressing btw, not just the ending.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Crumpet McSassy on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 06:26 pm:

A friend of mine used some SSI strategy game to simulate this. It was either Six Gun Shootout or some other squad-based tactical game that allowed customization of scenarios. He made one side into zombies without ranged weapons, and made the other side a smaller group of humans. And with the ultra-primitive graphics back in those days it was easy to let yer imagination do the rest.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Doug Jones on Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - 10:09 pm:

I just downloaded X-com a couple day's ago. I had no intention of ever buying it or half-life now that I'v played them and realized how great they are I'll probably buy both. So much for the horrors of piracy. Anyway though it's online only the sequel to lasersquad is coming out soon. Check it out at lasersquadnemesis.com

It's probably to late for any of you to get in the beta but I was accepted it starts early this month. If the game ends up being any good I'll post a bit about more about it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Cripey Dickens on Thursday, December 6, 2001 - 01:27 am:

So much for nondisclosure agreements.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Death Wombat on Thursday, December 6, 2001 - 09:43 am:

How did I find out about Flying Lab? I asked the Delta Green people .

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Doug Jones on Thursday, December 6, 2001 - 09:49 am:

Heh well I'll follow that the nda of course. Some are laxer then others and they don't prevent you from saying weather the game is dreck or not.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Friday, December 7, 2001 - 12:01 am:


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sparky on Friday, December 7, 2001 - 03:28 am:

I use Delta Green to clean the wheels on my
Integra. Gets 'em nice and shiny.

Wait...that's "Simple Green". "Delta Green" is
the editor of Computer Gaming World. He also
used to be on that TV show, "Designing

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Friday, December 7, 2001 - 12:55 pm:

mmmmmm tastes just like CHICKEN!

Delta Burke

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