The Skittles game... can we have a Snickers game?

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Free for all: The Skittles game... can we have a Snickers game?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By mtkafka (Mtkafka) on Friday, November 23, 2001 - 03:35 am:

Wow, a action rpg based on Skittles?!? and the screenshots actually look good! this coming from the Sones preview on cdmag.

I find it funny how the develper says, "I was like, 'how can I get Skittles in the game without having� Skittles in the game?'" asked Braswell.

and then no snakes but you can have snake like creatures!

the world is weird. can we have a taco bell crpg with that chihuahua? or maybe a Mentos Shooter where you shoot people who eat Lifesavers?!? weird.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jeff Atwood (Wumpus) on Friday, November 23, 2001 - 03:38 am:


taste the rainbow

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