Sacrifice Shoot Club

QuarterToThree Message Boards: Columns: Sacrifice Shoot Club
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By thecav on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 02:30 pm:

First, I just want to say that I really enjoy this web site. You guys do a great job on covering a lot of interesting things in a really smart way.

Second, I wish Shoot Club would take another crack at Sacrifice. I was pumped when I saw that you were going to cover it, but then disappointed in the results. Don't get me wrong, I understand why it happened. Sacrifice is not intuitive, and many times I don't have a real firm idea on whether I'm winning or losing. But having said that, I think the real charm of Sac is the complexity and chaos that results from a really good game.

I guess it would have to be a Shoot Club where everyone was interested in the game, but it would be worth it. I'ld love to hear your opinions and experiences when it comes to a really good game. A volcano spell is worth the price of admission alone. All the visuals are wonderful, and I think the creatures all have a lot of personality, even if there are only 6 or 8 actual models they are built upon. "Firefist Smash!" "Troll, not Troll" Gosh I love those Firefists.

But the best part of Sac is the feeling you get when the action is thick, and you aren't quite sure what is happening around you. It really sucks you in as you try and master your immediate surroundings (which includes opponents, creature battles, souls to collect, manaliths and shrines to protect, souls to convert, and spell effects galore) while also working toward victory.

I think the game is a lot of fun, and while the learning curve is steep it is partly this challenge that provides much of the entertainment. So, while I know there are lots of games to bring to Shoot Club, I do ask you to consider a second attempt at Sacrifice Night at Shoot Club.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 04:23 pm:

Thanks, Cav. Shoot Club it Tom's baby. He's out of town right now, so he can't reply. I do know that he himself really like Sacrifice. It's just that it was hard for casual gamers to grasp it. It's a game where you really have to play through the tutorials, and that's never gonna happen at a LAN party.

Good news is that Shiny is hinting that they're not quite done yet with Sacrifice. Expect a new patch, some new levels (missions, quests, whatever they are), and they've even hinted at more -- maybe an expansion or a sequel even? Who knows?

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