I'm Serious

QuarterToThree Message Boards: 60 Second Reviews: I'm Serious
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Aszurom on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 09:44 pm:

Quote of the year:

First time I ran into the headless bombers, one comes running over the hill, screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR!"


50 more come running over the hill

Sam: "Oh shit!"

I think the word I would best employ to describe this game is "pure". It knows what it's trying to be, and fills the bill. It revels in its purity.

After having about 5 good "oh shit" moments myself, I'd have to almost call my play-style "Nervous Sam", because you come to dread the inevitable response of picking up anything shiny :-) You KNOW it's coming, but you've got not a clue from where or how many. The demo certainly didn't prepare me for some of the nasty traps they spring either.

Essentially, this is Doom 2.5 + a dash of "the Duke", and it doesn't try to disguise it. I also think it's a super-nice touch that they not only shipped it with the level editor, but the MODEL maker too. Kick ass!

5 stars in 60 seconds, not too shabby.

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