Rails Across America

QuarterToThree Message Boards: 60 Second Previews: Rails Across America
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Bruce_Geryk (Bruce) on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - 03:31 pm:

I just noticed this weekend that in the full-page magazine ad for this game, there are two preview quotes that are prominently featured, and one of them is attributed to "Tom Chick, quartertothree.com."

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mark Asher on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - 03:51 pm:

Cool! Tom and I want to see the eyeball appear in a game ad someday. Maybe we'll give cool games an "Eyeball of Substance" award.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Sean Tudor on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - 11:42 pm:

I'll vote for that !

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jason Levine on Thursday, September 6, 2001 - 03:43 pm:

That Rails Across America ad is doubly cool, because not only do we have the QT3 quote, but the ad features one of the great rail travel posters from the 1930s.

In this month's CGM we get the Alpha and Omega of advertising almost back to back. Page 13 has the Rails Across America ad, while Page 15 has ATI using sex to sell video cards of all things. Oh yeah, baby, that Radeon card will get you the hot chicks for sure!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By David E. Hunt (Davidcpa) on Thursday, September 6, 2001 - 04:19 pm:


while Page 15 has ATI using sex to sell video cards of all things. Oh yeah, baby, that Radeon card will get you the hot chicks for sure!

I really like that ad. For some reason it doesn't strike me as shallow as most "sex sells" ads. Maybe I just have a thing for brunettes. Nevertheless, the ad accomplished it's goal. It caught my attention enough to stop on that page and read about the product.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Jason Levine on Thursday, September 6, 2001 - 04:31 pm:

Did the fact that "Radeon" was written right above her pierced navel help your reading? =)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Anonymous on Thursday, September 6, 2001 - 11:44 pm:

Oddly enough, I share your sentiments on the Radeon ad -- it didn't seem NEARLY as bad as typical hardware ads. Maybe because the model's pose was very casual (i.e. not in some ridiculous "take me gamer boy" pose)...at any rate, I suppose in the spirit of full disclosure I should also admit I have a thing for brunettes, but regardless, I thought the ad was pretty good. Restrained is perhaps the best word to use when comparing it to other hardware ads. :)

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