Unreal II Pre-Alpha Build

QuarterToThree Message Boards: 60 Second Previews: Unreal II Pre-Alpha Build
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By moron on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 05:22 pm:

About a couple of months ago www.Gamesmack.org, an Aussie gaming site, go its hands on a pre-alpha build of Unreal II and put it through the paces. They posted a preview and shots of the game. It was up for about 24 hours before they pulled it down, but its back up now here(http://www.gamesmack.org/features/unreal2a_pg1.shtml) for anyone who wants a look.

This might be old news to everyone, I don't know, I just thought ya'll might be interested.

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