About us

You may be wondering what "quarter to three" means and why it's the name of the site. It's the time we all do our best gaming. Don't pretend you don't know what we're talking about. You have to get up early tomorrow, but you keep playing even though it's past midnight. If you can last until a quarter to three, you know it's a good game. Quarter to three games are the ones that make you really sleepy at work the next day, but you still can't wait to get home and play some more. Quarter to three games are the ones we're all looking for. Hence, www.quartertothree.com.


Although he was born in Texas in 1966, Tom Chick grew up in Arkansas. He has a Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard, two years of experience as a copywriter at an advertising agency, and he spent about ten years as a stage actor with limited television credits. He has also poured concrete on a construction crew, washed dishes at a country club, and walked up and down Rodeo Drive selling salads and sandwiches out of a wicker basket to rich old ladies doing their shopping and getting their hair done. He currently lives in Los Angeles and is training to be a scuba instructor, which is a much better job. He writes for Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, Gamepower, Daily Radar, IGN, and Sharkey's Games. Tom's first computer game was the Infocom text adventure, Starcross, which he never finished.


Mark Asher was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1959 and has lived there ever since. He has a nice wife and four good kids and has been writing about computer games for several years now for such publications as CNET's Gamecenter, Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, PC Zone, Gamepower, IGN, Topdeck, Science Fiction Weekly, and a few other places that are no longer in business. Before writing about games, Mark spent 13 years writing about software as a technical writer (interesting at first but man did it get boring eventually). Before that he managed a bookstore (fun work but lousy pay), worked in a steel fabrication shop (really a messy job), and worked on a loading dock for a few years at a food distributor (brrr — those walk-in freezers were cold), and currently is in informal training to be a beer taster. He never sold salads out of a wicker basket, but his car broke down once so he walked to work and a junkyard dog attacked him.

Bloodshot Joe and Shoot Club logo by Peter Davidson